Restore subnautica game save on new computer
Restore subnautica game save on new computer

Item – Adds a number of an item to your inventory. Kill – kills you and reappears on the lifepod. Randomstart – places you on the lifepod in one of its starting locations. Spawn – If you get stuck, just type this to spawn nearby. Warpme – Teleports you to the last base or vehicle you were in, eg Cyclops, lifepod. Use a number to indicate how many yards forward to warp. Warp – Warps to a set of coordinates you supply. Type ‘goto’ without a variable for a list of locations. safe (teleports you to the safe shallows, where your Lifepod crashed.).Teleportationīiome – This will teleport you to the biome of your choice, being one of the following: Note: The “Disable Console” option will remain unchecked between sessions, but each time you restart the game you will need to press F3 to open the menu and then again to close it, before the console will work.

restore subnautica game save on new computer

It will appear as a gray box in the lower left corner.

  • You should now be able to open the console with the tilde (~) key, although this may vary between keyboards.
  • restore subnautica game save on new computer

    Press F3 to open a submenu that will appear in the upper left corner of the screen.Below, find out how to activate Subnautica’s magnetite console commands and what they are. However, the console is not enabled by default, so you will need to do a bit of preparation to use them. Playing with the console controls is a tradition in PC gaming – making fun of lap times is especially fun – and Subnautica includes a full library of development hacks. We’re a little dizzy when we open a new game, hit the tilde key, and a console prompt slides out from the top of the screen.

    Restore subnautica game save on new computer