Alcor micro usb card reader drivers
Alcor micro usb card reader drivers

sudo apt-get install -reinstall udisks2Įdit: As suggested in the comments, I used GParted to get more elaborate information, and this was the result upon starting GParted:Įdit2: I ran the commands lspci and then lspci -v | grep -iA15 sd and this is the output:

alcor micro usb card reader drivers

Some forums suggested I reinstall udisks2, which I did, but it hasn't solved the issue. It's a simple storage device, which opens easily if I open it on my windows partition, but on Ubuntu. This is the screenshot of the list of available disks, with the SD Card plugged in with the SD Card Adapter: It is definetly not a hardware problem as I am able to access it if I open on the Windows partition on my computer. I can access the SD Card if I use a USB adapter for it. The SD Card or the adapter is working perfectly on other systems, but on mine it doesn't recognise it.

alcor micro usb card reader drivers

I tried multiple adapters, and tested the same with other computers as well. It is not able to access any SD Cards if used with the SD Card Adapter.

Alcor micro usb card reader drivers